mercury palace


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balance - 30/01/00

Welcome to mercury palace, Zouden's homepage. This is basically just a boring personal website, same as any millions of others out there... it contains such trinkets as my 3d Studio MAX art gallery, a whole lot of photos of friends, etc, and the usual guestbook stuff.

Anyway, you really should start with f. It will give you a better understanding of what I'm like, or something, thus helping you comprehend why this site exists. "Your browser may be at the site, but is your soul?" Most likely if you come to this site you already know me anyway... sigh.

If you want to see some of the stuff I do with 3ds MAX when I'm really bored, then Z is the obvious place to go, it being my gallery and all...

For photos of me and other people try W. Why anyone would want to is another question...

Hmmmm... I think you can work out the rest.

Right now, balance is being used for this welcome page. (der). In future i might turn it into a place for my latest rantings about my life. Think of it as a soap opera, but with uglier people!